Marsha Chartrand

Manchester area Christmas services set

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Church services are often considered an essential, traditional part of the Christmas season, and Manchester has several services to offer.

Manchester United Methodist Church, located at 501 Ann Arbor St., will hold three different Christmas Eve services on Friday, Dec. 24: 5 pm, Online Only: watch as the story of Christmas is told, interspersed with favorite Christmas carols; 7:30 pm, In-Person and Streamed Live: celebrate Jesus’ birth at this candlelight service, which will also include communion and a special children’s message; 11 pm, In-Person and Streamed Live: this candlelight service includes communion and special music and concludes just as Christmas itself is beginning!

Additionally, the church also will be  posting a short “Fireside” service early Christmas Eve morning that can be watched on-demand on its YouTube page to worship at home at any time. All online services can be accessed through the YouTube channel at:

Community Bible Church, located at 8400 Sharon Hollow Rd., will hold a Candlelight Christmas Eve service at 6 pm.

Sharon United Methodist Church, 19980 W Pleasant Lake Rd, will hold a special Christmas Eve Service “in the round” at the church Fellowship Hall at 7 pm on Dec. 24. “This service will be focused on the manger as we gather around and experience the coming light of Christ’s love,” explained Rev. Peter Harris. Suitable for all ages, this service will include singing the carols of Christmas and concluding with candle-light singing of “Silent Night.”

Sharon UMC also invites the entire community to its annual “Ring the Bell” on Christmas Day at 12 noon. Come learn how to “fly the rope” and ring the bell until your arms fall off!

Emanuel Church, 324 W Main St, will be holding a Candlelight Christmas Eve service at 5 and 11 pm. These services will include music of the season, including some songs in sign language and a wonderful solo to enjoy as well. They invite everyone to come and celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Bethel United Church of Christ, 10425 Bethel Church Rd, in Freedom Township is planning two services — a 5 pm service inside the sanctuary, and a 7:30 pm outdoor service, held on the front steps of the church.

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