Manchester Township discusses spending ARP funds, solar farm, and establishes Mike Miner Day at Oak Grove Cemetary
Manchester Township Hall
submitted by Sybil Kolon, Community Reporter Corps
The Manchester Township board held a workshop meeting before their regular board meeting on Feb. 8. Clerk Danell Proctor and Trustee John Seefeld were absent, but two members of the public were present. Most of the meeting was about how to spend the American Rescue Plan Act funds. $135,000 has been received and the same amount will be received later. The township has four years to spend the money, starting on April 1.
Treasurer Thompson reviewed what the funds can and cannot be spent on. In a wide-ranging discussion, the following items were discussed:
- Contributing toward the replacement of lead water lines in the village
- New fence and gate for the Reynolds Cemetery on Ely Road
- Assisting residents with internet connection fees when broadband is extended into the township
- Woody debris removal in the Manchester Township portion of the River Raisin as part of a potential watershed-wide project
- Replace the rooftop heating and cooling unit on the township hall, which needs to be replaced
- A speed sign on West Austin Road to alert drivers to their speed
- Additional funding for road projects, possibly to complete Buss Road repairs or start on Herman Road repairs
- Contribute funds toward a structure being considered at Alumni Field where the Chicken Broil and fair are held
- Digitizing historical documents the township is required to maintain
The board will put together an organized list and plans to seek more input from the public, including another potential workshop. The survey results will be reviewed to determine which type of projects may be supported.
The rest of the meeting centered on discussion of community opportunities. The need for a community guide for new residents was mentioned. A volunteer project at the Oak Grove Cemetery was discussed as a way to get residents engaged. The board is very interested in finding ways to get residents more involved.
The five board members and two members of the public were joined by fire chief Bill Scully for the regular board meeting that followed.
Fire Chief Scully provided the monthly report for January. He is now using the incident software program to generate reports. There were 48 calls for service, including 24 EMS responses and 2 fires. A grant for $3,400 was received to pay for portable emergency lighting for use during responses.
Zoning administrator Carl Macomber was not present. Zoning permits were issued for two residences. Consumers Energy called about upgrading the sub-station on M-52.
Supervisor Ron Milkey reported on the planning commission meeting last week. A small cluster development is being proposed near Ely Road. It would include four homes and a large barn for multiple members of the same family. The solar farm proposed at Herman and Sharon Hollow Roads has increased the height of the solar panels from a maximum of 10 feet to a maximum of 16 feet. Concerns for the height were expressed by the planning commission and members of the board. Information about the project was included in the board packet. Further discussion and a public hearing will be held prior to any decision being made.
Trustee Mike Fusilier reported on a call he participated in with members of other local units of government in Washtenaw County. These will be monthly calls with County Commissioners where updates will be provided by the county.
Students from the Robotics Team for Manchester High School presented information about the Run Manchester race they are organizing in and around the Village of Manchester for Aug 6. The race has been going on for over ten years. Part of it will be in Manchester Township. The board approved plans for the race in Manchester Township.
Milkey updated the board on contacts to find a new sexton for the Oak Grove Cemetery after the death of Mike Miner. He has been in touch with a sexton in the Clinton area who is highly recommended. It was acknowledged by all that it is not really possible to replace Miner.
Milkey reviewed the contract from Carlisle-Wortman, the planner who will assist the township and village in updating the joint recreation plan. The plan must be updated this year, as required every five years. The board approved the contract for the Manchester Township share of $4,030.
Trustee Lisa Moutinho discussed the idea of establishing a Mike Miner Day at the Oak Grove Cemetery. The community would be invited to participate. There is interest in including some historical information as part of the event. The board voted to establish the Saturday before Memorial Day as Mike Miner Day.
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