Maker nights coming to Manchester District Library in March
submitted by Quintessa Gallinat, Manchester District Library
Beginning March 10, Manchester District Library (MDL) will host Maker Nights, a brand new event every second and fourth Thursday from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Village Room of the Manchester Community Building.
Makers in all mediums are invited to bring their latest project and get inspiration from other participants. If you knit, crochet, quilt, sew, felt, weave, spin, paint, draw, sculpt, model, fold, glue, assemble, collect, display, or craft in any form — you are welcome. This is a great opportunity for beginners to get help from experienced practitioners or for small groups to work together on creative interests.
At this time, participants are requested to wear masks at these events to protect vulnerable members of our community.
Currently scheduled meeting dates are March 10, March 24, April 14, April 28, May 12, and May 26. Depending on popularity, additional dates may be added; new dates will be announced on the MDL website and on Facebook.
Manchester District Library (MDL) is proud to serve the Village of Manchester, Manchester Township, Bridgewater Township, and Freedom Township. Village of Clinton and Clinton Township residents are also eligible for MDL library cards and welcome to use all MDL resources.
Current Manchester District Library hours are Monday-Wednesday 11 am-8 pm, Thursday 11 am-7 pm, Friday 11 am-6 pm, and Saturday 10 am-2 pm. The most up-to-date hours and the latest news are always available on the MDL website.
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