Sara Swanson

MCSF plans outdoor Daddy-Daughter/Mother-Son Dance

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2019 Daddy-Daughter Dance. Photo courtesy of Unforgettable Photos, Manchester.

submitted by Shea VanVuuren, President, Manchester Community Schools Foundation

Prior to Covid-19 the Manchester Community Schools Foundation hosted an annual “Daddy-Daughter” dance and a “Mother-Son” event as fundraisers for the organization. The Foundation gives 100% of the profits from such events back to the students and teachers of the district through grants.  

The Foundation recently conducted a survey of parents about the future of the dance. While the vast majority said they would prefer an outdoor event this spring, respondents were equally divided about what the format of the event should be in the future. The Foundation wanted to determine if we should keep an event for the girls and their special guest AND an event for the boys and their special guests or if all events should be open to everyone. In the past, a girl or boy was welcome to bring any special adult in their life to the corresponding events. While the Foundation never wants anyone to feel excluded, we also would like to maintain the opportunity for a student to have one-on-one time with a parent at a special event. In previous years, space has also been a consideration for only having girls or boys and their adult at an event. We were not able to accommodate all students and their guests in the school buildings or at other event locations and didn’t want to limit registration to first come first serve. Since we are planning this spring’s dance outdoors we plan to have it open to all students and their special guest. We are finalizing date, time, and location and will be making an announcement sometime soon. 

Please feel free to reach out to the Manchester Community Schools Foundation at with any thoughts or questions you may have. Also, if you are interested in volunteering with the Foundation we would love to have you. Your input is welcomed and appreciated, and thank you for supporting us and through MCSF, our school district’s staff and students.

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