Marsha Chartrand

High school to move to traditional 6-hour instructional day

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Principal Andy Rousselo’s power point presentation at last week’s school board meeting helped explain the benefits of the six hour schedule.

Last June, after school had ended for the summer, then-principal Eric McCalla proposed, and the school board accepted, the change to a 5×5 block schedule day for the high school. This was considered optimal at the time due to fewer class changes during the day and also proposed the benefits of giving students an opportunity to pursue more elective and/or AP classes, and allowing some courses to be accelerated into one semester.The 70-minute class periods were a source of concern for many, however, and in December the district surveyed students, parents, and teachers. A second survey was given to teachers at the conclusion of Semester 1 in January. Additional parent input was received through the district’s Strategic Planning — Curriculum and Instruction committee (see related article on the Strategic Planning Committees here).

Current Junior/Senior High School Principal, Andy Rousselo, after reviewing the survey input and looking at other options, came to the conclusion that a six-period day (six classes of 58 minutes each per day) would be the best option, providing more balance in instructional time for core classes and only a small net loss in elective slots.

“The experts, our teachers and counselors, have voiced the desire to move to a traditional 6 period day,” he said in his presentation. “Our Strategic Framing Committee on Curriculum and Instruction support the move to a traditional 6 period day; and the traditional 6 period day appears to be the best balance between the traditional 7 period day of the past and our current 5×5 block.”

Dr. Brad Bezeau, Superintendent of Manchester Community Schools, also supported the move.

“The presentation and analysis really centers around the survey results from the teacher and staff, parent, and student surveys that the Jr./Sr. High School team conducted regarding the implementation of the 5×5 schedule this year, and input on other schedules as well,” he said. “The goal of implementing the 5×5 schedule this year was to increase the number of elective choices for students while maintaining the integrity of the instruction and the curriculum that needs to be included. In looking at the results and working with the High School staff, the traditional 6 period day appears to be a “win-win” for both increasing numbers of elective opportunities while still maintaining the year-long instructional approach to the core curriculum areas.”

Bezeau also explained that all classes would revert back to the traditional 6-period day beginning in the 2022-23 school year.

“The introduction of the schedule has really begun with last Thursday’s Manchester Jr./Sr. High School Curriculum and Welcome Night for rising 9th grade and new students,” he added. “Our students will begin their course selection process for next year using this system in the next two weeks. We’ll also conduct a few evening sessions for parents during the end of this school year and in August of the 2022-23 school year.”

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