Sara Swanson

MCS Strategic Framework committee concludes

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This winter, MCS Superintendent Brad Bezeau organized a team of district staff and community members to set short and long term goals for the school district, under the title of the Strategic Framework committee. Participants were selected after Dr. Bezeau sent an open invitation to school staff and the community in October. The intent was to have a number of outcomes: to provide clearly defined short and long term goals for the District; provide a road map for the board and administration; provide a clear direction for our staff; and improve student achievement and success.

Dr. Bezeau stated, “We had forty-eight parents, community members, MCS Staff, and MCS students respond to the Strategic Framework committee community and school survey. We ended up having forty participants be a part of the entire process.”

Participants were divided into five groups, each headed up by a school administrator. The groups were Curriculum and Instruction, Technology, Community/Business/School Partnerships, Positive Environment, and Financial Stability. Each group met 3 to 4 times in January and February. 

Participants worked to develop short term goals (the next four to six months) and long term goals (during the next two years) goals, and recommendations which will be made to the school board at the Monday, April 18, 2022 Regular Board of Education Meeting beginning at 6 pm in the Manchester Jr./Sr. High School Auditorium.  

Bezeau continued, “These goals will serve as the guide and roadmap for our district for the Board of Education and the district’s work during this upcoming time together.”

Theresa Herron who participated in the Community/Business/School Partnerships group stated: “It’s been a very positive experience, to get together and strategize ways to help build stronger connections between the school district and the community at large. We have such a giving community, with so many different groups and businesses working to make this a great place to live.” 

As an example, Herron stated they discussed how to make Alumni Field a more useable and used community resource outside of Chicken Broil and the Fair. They also talked about how to share more positive stories out to the community — successes, strengths, exciting projects, etc.

Bezeau concluded, “It continues to be incredibly important for the school district and our community to focus on the academic, social and emotional, and developmental goals for our students as we progress through the latest phases of the COVID-19 pandemic. The MCS Strategic Framework process afforded us the opportunity to focus on these areas during this time.”

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