Community garden plots available for rent
Sunflowers grown in the Manchester Community Garden
Although winter isn’t quite over, it seems, it is time to start thinking about gardening.
Not everyone has a yard that can successfully support a garden and for those people (and the people who do but just don’t want to fight the deer), there exists the Manchester Community Garden!
The community garden is located in the Village on the bus loop between Klager and Manchester High School, across from the baseball field. The garden is fenced to keep deer out, and uses sets of sprinklers on timers so that individual gardeners do not have to water their plots.
Gardeners rent a plot for the whole summer, where they can grow their own fresh, organic produce. All they have to do is plant, weed, and harvest. Multiple families are welcome to share a garden plot.
Plots come in different sizes: 20’x20’ plots, 10’x10’ plots, 4’x8’ raised beds, and 4’x4’ beds. Prices for the whole summer rental range from $50 for a 20’x20’ to $15 for a 4’x4’ bed. Weed block and pins are available for purchase as well. If you are interested in gardening but the cost is prohibitive, the fee can be waived.
2022 Application: Community Garden application_rules_guidelines 2022
To rent a plot, email or print off and mail the completed application to the address stated. If you would rather pick up a hard copy, both the Manchester District Library and the Community Resource Center have copies you can pick up anytime during their operating hours.
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