Michael Sessions starts as village Manager
Jeff Wallace (left) retired last Friday after 30 years as the village manager. Michael Sessions (right) started last Monday. They worked last week together to ease the transition.
Michael Sessions started work at his new job as Manchester’s new village manager last Monday.
Sessions, who is married with three young kids, is coming to the position with plenty of experience in municipal governance in southeast Michigan. Before accepting the position in Manchester, he served for eight and a half years as city administrator for the City of Morenci. He also served as the Main Street manager for the DDA in Blissfield. But he got his start when he served a four-year term as mayor of his hometown of Hillsdale. This was extra notable both because he ran against the incumbent mayor as a write-in candidate and won by two votes and because he was a senior in high school at the time.
Although not a Manchester native, Sessions has multiple Manchester connections. After high school he attended Hillsdale College and graduated with several Manchester students, and spent time here with them at their family homes. Additionally, he used to be the head of the National Wiffle Ball League Tournament, which had Manchester families participating every year.
His days heading up the Wiffle tournament are behind him and the tournament has since been moved from Morenci to Indiana. What is his current hobby? Outside of work, mostly he spends time with his kids.
He loves Manchester! He finds the amount of growth happening encouraging, and the clean, beautiful downtown appealing. He feels that Manchester is a better fit for his family. “There is a lot of pride in Manchester, you can tell,” he stated.
If you see him around the Village, stop and say “hi.” Welcome to Manchester, Michael Sessions!
Welcome, Michael Sessions, the new Village of Manchester manager!
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