Sara Swanson

Worth Repeating offering free rug-making class

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Learn to make a rug out of T-shirts like this at a class offered by Worth Repeating.

Want to learn how to create a neat throw rug with recycled T-shirts? Worth Repeating has a class for you that is back by popular demand. If you can tie a knot, you can make a rug.

Worth Repeating is offering a free rug-making class on Tuesday, May 31, from 7 to 8:30pm at the Manchester Area Historical Society’s KJ House, located on the corner of Main Street and M-52. While the class is free, there is a supply fee of $5, which will provide you with a 24”x18” backing and four starter T-shirts of your choice.

Participants can register and pay in person at the store located at 110 East Main St. during their open hours. Class is limited to eight students. Students will need to bring something to cut fabric. A rotary cutter and cutting mat work best, but scissors will do. 

It’s easy, fun, and a great way to up-cycle old T-shirts. Other fabrics that do not ravel can also be used to create these rugs. You can bring more T-shirts from home or buy extras for $.25 each during class.

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