Marsha Chartrand

Meet the MDL Board: Christine Krause, Village of Manchester

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submitted by Quintessa Gallinat, Manchester District Library

The Manchester District Library Board of Trustees is an all-volunteer governing body made up of two members from each of the library’s participating service areas: Manchester Village, Manchester Township, Bridgewater Township, and Freedom Township. Trustees create and oversee library policies, administer the budget, and set the strategic plan.

A resident of Manchester for 20 years, Christine Krause lives with her husband of 22 years and her son in the Village. She works at Zingerman’s Deli in the purchasing and accounts department. An avid reader, she also enjoys watching movies and creating artwork.

When she joined the MDL Board of Trustees in 2019, Krause had decided that after living here for so many years, it was time to give back to the community. “I love our library and that’s how I wanted to serve,” she says. She also loves the sense of possibility she gets walking through the library doors. “I might find a new favorite author, or something beautiful to look at, or learn something new. I never know what I will walk out with. And the staff always makes me feel welcome.” 

Members of the public are welcome to attend the monthly meetings, held in the Village Chambers of the Community Building on the second Thursday of each month. To learn more or to contact a member of the MDL Board of Trustees, visit

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