CTPL Summer Reading hits a new record!
submitted by Tamara Denby, Clinton Township Public Library
Determined to top last year’s record for Summer Reading participation, the Clinton Library staff poured months of work into this summer’s programming, and once again it paid off in HUGE ways! Thanks to the donations of our generous sponsors and community partners, coupled with an IMLS grant awarded by the Library of Michigan and an Innovation Grant awarded by the Woodlands Library Cooperative, our library was able to provide educational programming to nearly 3,000 children, adults, and teens and distribute about 600 reading incentive prizes.
Programming this year included twice-weekly story times to support early literacy; weekly animal visits; weekly t(w)een programs; weekly STREAM (Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, & Math)-themed programs to educate and inspire folks of all ages; edible craft programs; a build-a-boat construction activity; Macrame and Paint-and-Pour classes for teens and adults; a carnival-themed finale, and more! In total, 2,895 individuals attended programs, an 8% increase over 2021. Participation in Summer Reading challenges, which require participants to meet specified goals based on their age or reading ability, also increased. In 2022, 182 children registered for Summer Reading, which reflects a 41% increase over 2021. Teen participation increased by 54%, and adults by 44%. Not only did more children, teens and adults participate in the reading challenges, but they were more active, turned in more bingo cards/bookmarks, and earned more prizes.
It would be impossible for the Clinton Library staff — tiny in numbers but mighty in heart, creativity, and determination — to have obtained this level of success without the help of our corporate, non-profit, and individual partners, and we cannot begin to express our gratitude for their support. Thank you!
CTPL Summer Reading 2022 Partners: CTPL VolunT(w)eens, Friends of the Clinton Library, Over the Edge/Ollie’s Pizza, American Specialty Hardwood, Hometown Pizza, Clinton Inn, Clinton McDonald’s, Imagination Station, DJ Shafer Construction, Clinton Lions, The Centre, TLC Community Credit Union, Perky Pantry, Lancaster Agency, Clinton Lodge 175, Schmidt & Sons Pharmacy, Tecumseh Paddling Company, Russell Family, Therese DuPree, Liza and Dale Brooks, LeVasseur Family, Barbara Rhoades, and the countless individuals who volunteered/assisted during programs and/or loaned the library equipment and supplies.
Finally, a word to those who missed out this year: Summer Reading is for everyone! So be sure to look for Summer Reading 2023. It will be chock full of fun activities and engaging challenges for all ages!
In addition to using the Manchester District Library, Manchester and Bridgewater Township residents can get a library card for free to check out materials from the Clinton Township Public Library. Additionally, Manchester and Bridgewater residents are welcome to attend all library events at the Clinton Township Public Library. The Clinton Township Public Library is located at 100 Brown St in Clinton. Questions? Call (517) 456-4141.
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