Get hands-on help with free E-books, audiobooks, music and more at the library
by Quintessa Gallinat, Manchester District Library
On Monday, September 12, Manchester District Library (MDL) will offer hands-on help with any of their digital collections. Between 6 and 7pm, library card holders can drop in with a mobile device and learn how to access Overdrive / Libby, hoopla, kanopy, or The New York Times free with their library card. MDL digital collections include ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, music, TV shows, movies, documentaries, games, recipes, online classes, and more.
The combined cost of subscription services for digital media — services like Kindle Unlimited, Audible, Netflix, Spotify, Pandora, and individual publications — can really add up. While MDL Digital Collections aren’t intended to replicate the experience of any of those or similar services, they can supplement and sometimes replace them at no cost. Owning a library card could result in significant savings!
The drop-in session scheduled for Monday, September 12 is intended for both new and current users of MDL digital collections. Library staff can walk through account set-up, demonstrate how to use each collection, troubleshoot problems, and answer questions. Just bring your laptop, tablet or smartphone and your library card! Can’t make it? Another session is planned for Saturday, October 1 at 11am.
Manchester District Library (MDL) is proud to serve the Village of Manchester, Manchester Township, Bridgewater Township, and Freedom Township. Village of Clinton and Clinton Township residents are also eligible for MDL library cards and welcome to use all MDL resources.
Manchester District Library hours are Monday-Wednesday 10am-8pm, Thursday-Friday 10am-6pm, and Saturday 10am-2pm. The most up-to-date hours and the latest news are always available on the MDL website.
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