Manchester lagging in the latest 5HF survey results!

Manchester is currently in last place in completing the survey for 5 Healthy Towns. Can you help us catch up?
by Marsha Chartrand
The 5 Healthy Towns Foundation spends more than $1 million per year in our five healthy towns of Chelsea, Manchester, Dexter, Grass Lake, and Stockbridge. The Foundation wants to spend it on things that make a difference to you, and they’d like to know how that’s changed since 2020.
That’s the reasoning behind the new survey that is currently available at (Or scan the QR code in the graphic above!) The survey runs through the end of November, but there’s a special October promotion that will enter you into a drawing for two Lions tickets if you complete the survey by the end of the day, Oct. 31!
The Manchester 5HF survey response rate is lagging a bit compared to 2020. In fact, Manchester currently is dead last among the five communities and the word needs to get out to get participation back to its prior level. Tell your friends, your family, and your neighbors! The 5HF wants your input.
“This survey is important to defining goals and priorities of health and wellness plans in the Manchester area, and for providing input to the Manchester Wellness Coalition and the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation in their planning,“ says Ray Berg, chair of the Manchester Wellness Coalition.
“The survey is an opportunity for you to influence how we invest in our communities,“ said Matt Pegouskie, Regional Planning Manager for 5HF. “Our Board of Directors and staff, and your local Community Wellness Coalition, use this information to make funding decisions for your communities. We want to learn what communities and demographic groups (seniors, youth, those who are alone …) may need, like nutrition, fitness, or mental health resources. We want to know what connects you to your community, so we can fortify those places and organizations. Mostly we will learn how we can help you stay or get well.“
Would you be willing to take just a few minutes to fill out the survey yourself? Then please share the information with your family members (yes, more than one person in a household can fill it out), your neighbors, your friends in Manchester, and ask them to fill out the survey as well.
Manchester has received so much from the 5HF over the past 10 years. Most recently, this year it has contributed to the upgrades at Chi-Bro Park (including the disc golf course) and paving the eastern half of the Shared Use Trail, along with other, smaller projects around the community. This is our opportunity to “give back“ by letting them know that we have appreciated these amazing opportunities and how we would like to see future funding utilized in our community.
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