Sara Swanson

Three fall nature hikes: birding, family scavenger hunt, and fitness!

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Watkins Lake

by Sara Swanson

Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation will be offering three hikes in the Manchester area next weekend, all led by county naturalist Kelsey Dehring. All hikes are free of charge but must be registered for in advance.

The first hike will be fall-birding themed and will take place Saturday, November 19, from 8 to10am in the Leonard Preserve (parking lot located at 375 N Union St). Take in the views of fall along the River Raisin while enjoying various birds the preserve has to offer. All levels of birders are welcome. Bring your own binoculars. Space is limited to 12 birders. To register, email Dehring at

Later that afternoon on Saturday, November 19, also in the Leonard Preserve will be the Family Nature Adventures: Fall Nature Scavenger Hunt from 1 to 2pm. During this outdoor family nature program for ages 2 and up, enjoy the wonder of the changing seasons as you search for various signs of fall along the beautiful River Raisin. Program led by Kelsey Dehring. Register online at Registration #811002. For any questions, email Dehring at

The next day, on Sunday, November 20, there will be an outdoor fitness and wellness hike called Heckuva Hike from 1 to 4pm in Watkins Lake State Park & County Preserve (parking lot located at 14801 Arnold Rd). The rolling terrain provides fantastic views of meadows, woodlands, and the lake known for its incredible diversity of waterfowl. This wellness and fitness hike will be roughly 5 miles and will focus on the benefits of being outdoors. To register, email Dehring at Limit is 12 hikers.

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