7/8 Band and High School Band earn first division ratings
by Sara Swanson
On March 2, 3, and 4, the Manchester Bands hosted and participated in the 2023 Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association District 8 Band and Orchestra Festival. Both the 7th/8th Grade (7/8) Band and the High School Concert (HS) Band earned a superior first division rating, which qualifies them to participate in State Band and Orchestra Festival, which Manchester Bands will also be hosting on May 4 and 5 of this year. Band director Jared Throneberry stated, “This is the third year in a row that the HS band has earned a first division rating and also the third year in a row for the 7/8 Band (the 7/8 Band did not participate in 2021 due to Covid).“
While hosting a Festival is always eventful, this year’s was even more eventful because of a snowstorm on March 3. Throneberry continued, “In spite of all of the inclement weather experienced on March 3 and 4, we were able to not only host the event during the day on March 3, but we were able to schedule a make-up performance date on Wednesday, March 8. This could not have happened without the amazing set of volunteers and parents that were able to adjust their schedules at the last minute to assist in the hosting process. Combining all of the original and rescheduled ensembles, we were able to have 30 groups perform.“
Congratulations, Manchester Bands!
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