MHS places third in Tri-County Quiz Bowl tournament

Manchester Varsity Quiz Bowl team placed third in the annual 2023 Tri-County Regional Quiz Bowl tournament in Ann Arbor. Photo courtesy of Daniella Kippnick.
submitted by Jared Throneberry, Manchester Varsity Quiz Bowl
On Thursday, March 9, the Manchester Varsity Quiz Bowl team participated in the annual 2023 Tri-County Regional Quiz Bowl tournament in Ann Arbor and came home with a third-place finish. Of the seven matches played, Manchester only lost to Chelsea and Howell while defeating Dexter, Washtenaw Christian, Whitmore Lake, and Home School Connection twice. Caiden Kippnick was named an All-Star for the All Tri-County Quiz Bowl team.
The next event schedule for our team is on Saturday, April 15, at the 2023 Michigan State Quiz Bowl Championships held in East Lansing. Also on deck is a possible trip to a national tournament. Details are still to be determined, but the team has qualified.
Last year, the Varsity team finished fifth in the state and is on a quest for their second state title, the first of which was won in 2005.

Caiden Kippnick (third from the left) was named an All-Star for the All Tri-County Quiz Bowl team. Photo courtesy of Daniella Kippnick.
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