Marsha Chartrand

Meet KC Clegg, new Deputy Clerk at Village offices

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KC Clegg is a native of Morenci who recently returned to the Clinton area and looks forward to expanding his knowledge in municipal affairs as Deputy Clerk in the Village of Manchester.

by Marsha Chartrand

New faces abound in the front office at Manchester Village Hall and the one of the two newest faces you’ll be likely to see if you stop in with a question or to pay a water bill is that of KC Clegg, the newly-hired Deputy Clerk.

KC is originally from Morenci but moved to Clinton when he was in high school. His wife attended medical school in Grand Rapids and while they lived there he worked in the Assessing Office in Ada Township, near Grand Rapids, starting in 2020.

“We recently moved back to Clinton, after she completed medical school, and she is now working at Mott Children’s Hospital,” he explained. “We are looking forward to raising our son in our hometown and being close to family after a long eight years away because of college and moving.”

In Ada, KC was the assessing technician, so his job there involved processing property transfers, building permits, and deeds, as well as helping residents with any questions regarding their property.

“I see this opportunity with the Village of Manchester as a way to contribute to an exciting, forward-thinking, fast-moving organization,” he said. “I feel I can do so by bringing my assessment experience and learning new skillsets to help with the village.”

Asked about the transition, he considers it “fantastic.”

“Everyone in the Village offices is very kind and helpful with any step/procedure,” he says. “Only being the deputy clerk for a couple of weeks now, my favorite part of the job is getting to know my colleagues better and getting the opportunity to meet some of the residents here in the village.”

As time goes on, KC is eager to learn more about the various departments in the village, including wastewater, utility building, and public works. “People are always moving around or retiring,” he says. “There will be lots of opportunities to learn.”

And with his assessing experience, he is looking forward to watching the process of developing the village into a city, as one part of the new designation will require the city establishing its own assessing office. His expertise in that area will be helpful as that work proceeds.

Stop in and say hello to KC and his new colleague, Brittany Kuhnle, if you haven’t already met them. They’re eager to get to know you!

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