MHS Quiz Bowl Team competes at States, Kippnick earns First Team All State Award

Quiz Bowl Team Captain Caiden Kippnick earned First Team All State Award
by Sara Swanson
The State Quiz Bowl Tournament took place on MSU campus on Saturday, April 15. The team started the morning very strong, winning all five of their matches. After lunch there were many nail-biting matches, but they ultimately ended the tournament 5–5. While they wished the day would have ended better, the team showed a very strong performance at the state tournament, placing 6th in the state. The Quiz Bowl Team Captain, Caiden Kippnick, earned the First Team All State Award for recognition as 4th highest–scoring individual in small schools division (Class C/D). It was a great year for Manchester High School’s Quiz Bowl Team.

The Quiz Bowl Varsity Team members that competed at the state tournament pictured here are: (back row) Josefina Castillo-Miller, Coach Jared Throneberry; (front row) Peter Cocco, Logan Kippnick, Caiden Kippnick, and Jack Coluccy.
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