Opening new access to the Adult Learners Institute
submitted by Joan Gaughan, Adult Learners Institute (ALI)
At its monthly meeting on April 24, the ALI Board was given a preview of its new website currently being developed through the generous donation of an anonymous donor who decided that the Adult Learners Institute’s website needed a makeover and is providing the funds to do just that. While the Board president, Steve Daut, allowed that it was “pretty nice looking,” some members thought words like “terrific,” “fantastic,” and “fabulous” might have been applicable. Not only does the site have a more modern and elegant look, it will also have more accessible capabilities, including the ability to register for classes more easily. A date for the unveiling of the new site is tentatively set for the Kickoff on August 15.
ALI is also introducing its new Facebook page, inaugurated by Board member Charlie Taylor. Posts are welcome; they inspire conversation. To access the site, go to
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