Chelsea Hospital awards grants to CRC, St Louis Center & WAVE

Chelsea Hospital
by Sara Swanson
Chelsea Hospital announced today that it has awarded nine grants totaling $170,269 to community-based organizations in Chelsea, Dexter, Grass Lake, Manchester, and Stockbridge. These organizations have been targeted with investments to further improve the health and well-being of local residents living and working in communities served by the hospital.
Two Manchester area organizations were recipients! Manchester Community Resource Center (CRC) is receiving funds to provide safety net services, public health coordination and open choice food pantry. The St. Louis Center is receiving funds for cultural diversity education program for staff and residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Additionally, Western Washtenaw Area Value Express (WAVE bus) is receiving funds to help provide shuttle service between Manchester, Chelsea and Stockbridge to address transportation as a social determinant of health.
Other recipients included Stockbridge Community Outreach, Copper Nail, Grass Lake Senior Center, Dexter Senior Center, Stockbridge Senior Center, and Chelsea Senior Center.
To be considered for a grant, each non-profit organization chosen submitted an application demonstrating how their program addressed one or more priority needs identified in Washtenaw County’s most recent Community Health Needs Assessment, which was jointly developed by Chelsea Hospital, Trinity Health Ann Arbor and Michigan Medicine. The priorities for Chelsea Hospital’s service area include: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders, Obesity and Related Illnesses, and Preconceptual and Perinatal Health.
Founded in 1970, Chelsea Hospital is a not-for-profit joint venture hospital, whose partners are Trinity Health Michigan, a Catholic health care system, and Michigan Medicine, the academic medical center of the University of Michigan.For additional information about Chelsea Hospital, please visit
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