Sharon Township sees change in supervisor

Peter Psarouthakis (left) and State Senator Lana Theis (right) at a coffee hour held in Sharon Township in 2020. (Mirror file photo.)
by Sara Swanson
Peter Psarouthakis, supervisor of Sharon Township, has submitted an official letter of resignation as he is moving out of the township. His last day was June 30. Kathy Spiegel was voted in as the new Sharon Township Supervisor effective July 1. Spiegel had been serving as Planning Commission Chair, navigating the Stoneco gravel mine application process and public pushback to the proposed mine.
In his resignation letter, Psarouthakis called his eleven-year-long journey as supervisor a very positive one overall. He cited some of his accomplishments, which included fixing up the township hall, getting rid of the “good ol’ boy” way of doing things, creating a fair tax Board of Review, improving communication, and expanding the cemetery and modernizing the filing system. While there were some negative incidents while he was in office that he lists, he states that, overall, the majority of the township has been great to work with.
One of the issues Psarouthakis championed during his years as supervisor was bringing broadband to Sharon Township. He notes in his letter that broadband is finally coming to Sharon Township starting in 2024 and while it wasn’t through the millage proposed by the Township, which was voted down, that contentious vote helped promote the seriousness to the County that is ultimately bringing broadband out to all of the rural areas in Washtenaw.
On the topic of the mining issue, he states in his letter, “Sharon Township has a rich agricultural history and it is sad to see that start to change due to financial greed. Regardless of how that issue ends, I feel confident that Sharon Township will overcome any adversity that may come from it.”
He stated to the Mirror, “It has been an honor and privilege to serve the residents of Sharon Township. The township and its people will always hold a special place in my heart.”
Just like before, you can reach the new Sharon Township supervisor at, call the township at (734) 428-7591, or stop in the Township Hall, located at 18010 Pleasant Lake Rd, on Thursdays between 9am and noon.
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