The 2023 Manchester Fairy Garden Tour

Manchester District Library librarians holding goodie bags full of little treasures that you can leave as gifts to all of the fairies along the tour.
submitted by Laura Wohlgemuth
The Fairy Festival may be over, but the fairy fun continues with the 2023 Manchester Fairy Garden Tour!
Start at the Manchester District Library to pick up a map and a goodie bag from one of our friendly librarians to start your tour. The goodie bag is full of little treasures that you can leave as gifts to all of the fairies that you will see throughout this tour. You will end at Worth Repeating, where you will receive a special gift from the tooth fairy.
This means that it is also time to announce the winners of the 4th Annual Manchester Fairy Garden Contest.
Thank you “fairy” much for all who participated in The 4th Annual Manchester Fairy Garden Contest! It’s such a special gift that you give to the community by sharing your fairy magic. The judges really had a “fairy” tough time choosing the winners for The Manchester Fairy Garden Contest of 2023! There is something unique and special about every garden. Manchester will be buzzing with fairies this summer.
The three finalists for the adult’s contest were: 1st Place — Linda at 120 Torrey St; 2nd Place — David W. Nelson Pottery at 319 Morgan St; and 3rd Place — Merrill at 316 E. Main St. The three finalists for the children’s contest were: 1st Place — Madeline at 14161 Schwab Rd; with a 2nd Place tie between Charlie and Lucy for their beautiful potted fairy gardens on display at the Manchester District Library.
A huge thank you to each and every one of our participants, and an especially magical Thank You “FAIRY” Much to Worth Repeating for sponsoring The Manchester Fairy Garden Contest and Tour of 2023.
Now, get out there and feel the magic!
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