SRSLY Water Balloon Party in Carr Park

Water balloons. Photo credit Kim Hansen.
submitted by Anna Webber, SRSLY Manchester Program Coordinator
On July 25 from noon to 3pm, SRSLY will be hosting a water balloon party at Carr Park with light refreshments provided. This is a free event open to all ages!
SRSLY is dedicated to creating safe spaces for youth to engage in fun and healthy activities. We know that during the summer it can be hard to find things to do during the week outside of summer camps or other pre-planned activities, so we wanted to create another opportunity for some summer fun! Bring a friend or family member to enjoy this classic summer activity.
Please RSVP to by July 20 to ensure enough supplies and refreshments are provided. We hope to see you there! (Carr Park is located off Main Street, just past Territorial Road.)
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