Manchester Township discusses blight issues, cargo containers on private property, and security system for recycling bins

Manchester Township Hall
by Sybil Kolon
All board members were present at the July 11 board meeting except John Seefeld. Also present were fire chief Bill Scully and a few other members of the public.
Fire Chief Scully provided the monthly report for June. There were 42 calls for service, including 20 EMS responses, two fires, and eight HAZMAT incidents. The board approved the creation of a third Lieutenant position to ensure enough officers are available when there are multiple incidents.
Supervisor Ron Milkey reviewed the zoning report for June. Permits were issued for one new residence, one barn/garage, and one shared driveway. Milkey reported on a meeting with a Washtenaw County Animal Control officer and others regarding a dog attack on sheep and rabbits on West Austin Road. Some progress has been made on various blight issues. The board was in support of taking additional enforcement action regarding one case that has not been resolved after prolonged efforts by the Zoning Administrator.
Trustee Mike Fusilier provided a summary of the planning commission meeting last week. The planning commission held a public hearing on proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance regarding the use of cargo containers for storage and camping on private property. The cargo container ordinance was approved. There remain concerns about the language for camping on private property. The planning commission will address those concerns at its next meeting. The site plan for the utility-scale solar installation at Sharon Hollow and Herman was approved. Construction could start in the fall.
Milkey reported that the Road Commission is beginning upgrades on part of Herman Road. There was a meeting about the remaining section of the trail from Austin Road into the Village. Some issues remain. The county hopes to put the project out to bid early next year.
The board approved spending up to $3,000 for a security system to cover the recycling bins and ballot drop box that will be installed. The video feed will be available remotely to township officials. There will be no service charge. The system will support additional cameras if needed.
The next meeting will be held on August 15, one week late, due to the fair.
The board approved cost-of-living increases for non-elected employees.
Recent land preservation efforts were discussed. The township has created a new link for land preservation on its website, where residents can find information on conservation programs and natural resource management. A land preservation committee has been formed, consisting of Sybil Kolon and Doug Brooks for the Planning Commission, Mike Fusilier for the Township Board, and one member of the public. A request for applications to serve in that position has been published in the Mirror.
The board discussed changes needed to the proposed Agritourism ordinance. Suggested changes will be sent back to the Planning Commission for additional revisions.
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