Return of Gazebo Concerts brings back audience!

Kenji and Tim performed last Thursday for the third Gazebo Concert of 2023.
by Sara Swanson
The Manchester District Library presented the third of the 2023 summer Gazebo Concerts last Thursday in Wurster Park. The weather was perfect and with the Emanuel Ice Cream Social in luring distance, there was a great turnout for Kenji and Tim who played traditional dance and Americana tunes. There will be no Gazebo Concert this week as it is the Manchester Community Fair week. However, mark your calendars for Wednesday, August 17, at 7pm, as the Gazebo Concert series returns with paula d and Company playing music from the ’60s and ’70s, as well as originals.

Attendance kept growing as the Gazebo Concert progressed.

It was a lovely evening for a Gazebo Concert in Wurster Park.
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