Dance Arts of Manchester finds a permanent home with new studio space!

Photo courtesy of Laura Goodell
by Sara Swanson
Laura Goodell, owner and instructor for Dance Arts of Manchester had been on the hunt for a location for her program’s studio. Last winter she found what she believed would be a permanent home for the program, renovating an old classroom in Caife Aspire (Nellie Ackerson building) into a beautiful dance studio.
Goodell, who has been teaching dance for 14 years, taught in six temporary spaces in three different school buildings before she was able to find a permanent space. These spaces included both gyms and a classroom in the Nellie Ackerson building (while it was owned by the School District), the cafeteria and the band room at Riverside Intermediate, and, most recently, the High School Cheer room.
She stated, “After trying for a few years to find a more permanent home for my small dance program, the opportunity finally arose with the re-opening of the Ackerson building. I now had the ability to renovate a space to meet my dancers’ needs and a place for them to call their own. After a month of hard work, we were able to end our dance season in the new space!” The new studio is 784 square feet. It features 24 feet of professionally installed dance mirrors, non-slip flooring, and wall-mounted ballet barres as well as portable barres with lots of natural light. Goodell also has secured 10 lockers outside the door for students to use.
About halfway through summer break, she received the bad news that the building would be selling and there was no guarantee the new buyers would want to keep on tenants. She stated, “I was devastated and so worried about how disappointed people would be to find out how temporary our new room might have been. I am a big planner, so having everything up in the air after finding out that news was tough. I reserved space yet again at the high school just in case things didn’t work out.”
But then, just last week she received news that the dance studio can stay under the new owner. She stated, “I am happy to say we get to be back in our new dance studio this year!”
Goodell started her training at Dance Arts of Manchester in 2005 under Rhonda Kendzicky. After falling in love with ballet she decided she wanted to take as many classes as possible. She was encouraged by Kendzicky to also study in Chelsea (now Ballet Chelsea) under Wendi DuBois and Nancy Giles, where she danced for several hours a week while assisting classes there as well as in Manchester. Graduating in 2009, she went on to community college and university and remained involved in dance through their programs/performance companies.
She began assisting Kendzicky with her classes for all age groups starting in 2005 and began teaching her own classes in 2009. She has now been teaching for 14 years. Prior to taking over the program, she was hired and taught at Ballet Chelsea as well as a competition studio in South Lyon. She has also subbed for many dance classes throughout her college years and was hired as the main choreographer for several musical theater productions. Goodell has also trained in and took her Grade I Cecchetti teacher’s exam in late 2015 and scored “Highly Commended.”
In 2016 Kendzicky gifted Dance Arts of Manchester to Goodell and she has been teaching and running the program solo ever since.
Fall dance classes are available for ages 3 and up, including Creative Movement, Pre-Ballet, Ballet, Ballet Technique, Pre-Pointe, Pointe, Beginning Jazz, and Jazz. Both lyrical and musical theater are taught in jazz classes as well for a well-rounded experience. Class space is limited and filling up fast for fall semester! To register, email Goodell at with your child’s name, age, and desired classes.
The studio is located in the building at 410 City Rd. The entrance is off the parking lot behind the building, farthest to the right, down the steps. The studio is room number 110, on the right side of the hall, with the black door and Dance Arts of Manchester logo!
Goodell explained that by running the program she hopes to give children and young adults the opportunity to learn to dance and gain confidence in a low-pressure environment. She strives to make sure every child has an enjoyable experience in class while receiving high quality training. Her favorite part of the whole year is the annual spring recital where the students get to showcase all they have learned to their family and friends for free with no ticket sales!

Photo courtesy of Laura Goodell

Photo courtesy of Laura Goodell

Photo courtesy of Laura Goodell

Photo courtesy of Laura Goodell
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