Manchester Township Board Meeting: appointments to land-preservation committee, recycling bin cameras to be installed shortly

Manchester Township Hall
by Sybil Kolon
All board members were present at the August 15 board meeting. Also present were fire chief Bill Scully and a few other members of the public.
Fire Chief Scully provided the monthly report for July. There were 49 calls for service, including 21 EMS responses, four fires, and 15 HAZMAT incidents. The new trailer has been received and the old one will be sold.
Supervisor Ron Milkey reviewed the zoning report for July. Permits were issued for two new residences and two barns/garages. Seven zoning violations were issued. The status of the blight issue on Lakeview Drive is being addressed and the township will continue to monitor compliance.
Trustee Mike Fusilier provided a summary of the planning commission meeting. The proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance regarding camping on private land has been forwarded to the board for action.
Supervisor Ron Milkey reported that the work on Herman Road has been completed. Tree work is currently being done on Schleweis Road. Work has not yet started on Ayres Road. There is less trash being deposited in and outside of the recycling bins. The security cameras should be installed by the end of the month.
The board received two bids for replacing the cement slabs in the fire bays and approved the lower bid with some contingencies. The board has received one bid for expanding and paving the parking lot across from the township hall. Another bid is expected and this will likely be acted on next month.
The appointments committee interviewed two people to serve on the newly established land-preservation committee and recommended that both be appointed to serve on the committee. The board approved the appointment of Mike Lowry and Carl Blaine. Board member Mike Fusilier, who is also on the committee, was asked to convene the group. Planning commission members Doug Brooks and Sybil Kolon will also serve on the committee. The committee will report to the board.
The board reviewed the language recommended by the planning commission for camping on private land. After discussion they suggested a few minor changes. The board plans to vote on the final version next month.
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