MUMC holding Community Picnic to welcome new pastor

Pastor Susan Hitts
submitted by Jody Sharrow, church administrator, Manchester United Methodist Church
Manchester United Methodist Church cordially invites the community to welcome our new pastor, Reverend Susan Hitts, to Manchester at a picnic on September 10, 2023, from noon to 2pm. This free picnic will serve hot dogs, chips, brownies, and other picnic goodies. Feel free to drop in any time during the event at the UMC parking lot (inside if rain).
Pastor Susan led her first worship service in Manchester on July 2, 2023. Prior to her appointment here, she was the pastor of Harbor Springs and Alanson United Methodist Churches. She began pastoral ministry in 2016, graduated from United Theological Seminary in 2019, and was ordained as an elder in full connection in the United Methodist Church in June 2023. She is currently continuing her education as she works toward a Doctor of Ministry degree.
Before being called into vocational ministry, Pastor Susan studied business and entered the banking field. Community connections led her to also teaching business at the high school, community college, and graduate school levels.
Pastor Susan has been guided by two principles in her ministry. The first came from a conversation with her preaching professor who said, “If you preach anything, preach hope.” The second was inspired by a colleague who said, “I want to be the pastor who says ‘yes’ to the community… ‘Yes, I will baptize your child…’ ‘Yes, I will officiate your wedding…’ ‘Yes, I will show up to care for your family at the end of life…’” Pastor Susan holds dear the call to say “yes” to serving a community and sharing hope. She looks forward to doing so in Manchester.
Please join us in welcoming Pastor Susan, her husband, Randy, and their children to our community on Sunday, September 10.
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