News from the Blacksmith Museum: Manchester Historic Craft Project
Hand-sewn pockets are just one of many historic craft projects being explored at the Blacksmith Shop this month. Sept. 27 is the date for this particular project.
submitted by Annette Siffin, Manchester Area Historical Society
As summer is passing and fall is on the way, we thought it would be a good time to post an update from the Blacksmith Museum.
The blacksmiths held a steady Sunday presence throughout the summer, including a very busy Chicken Broil Day, and recently hosting a class from Dearborn. The textile folks, however, were not always available due to family engagements (including a new baby!) and assorted summertime activities. Part of our mission is to build community and we welcome any volunteers who are interested in helping us keep the shop active! If this sounds like fun to you, stop in on a Sunday from 1 to 4 pm and see what we are about.
Despite some summer absences, the textile shop has seen significant activity. Thanks to the Museum folks for clearing out some of the acquisitions that remained from when the space was primarily used for storage as it is transforming into a magical little shop that is truly a joy to work in! Other activities include the acquisition of a functional treadle sewing machine (thank you Karen and Ray Berg!), which we are in the process of getting up and running. An additional great wheel (spinning wheel) was added to our collection. And we also finished skirting and sorting the remaining fleeces donated to us by Dave Renner and Mike McLennan. The wool is currently at Zeilinger Wool Co. in Frankenmuth being washed and combed into spinnable roving. The resulting roving will be used for demonstrations on the great wheel.
One of our big successes last year was our open house during Christmas in the Village. We are very excited that Christmas in the Village is living to see another year and are gearing up to be even more prepared for it this December.
Starting Wednesday, September 13, from 6:30 to 8:30pm, and continuing on Wednesday evenings going forward, we will be meeting in the textile shop for fun’d-raising craft activities and, again, we welcome anyone who would like to join in. Every Wednesday will be focused on working with a specific craft technique to create historic craft items to sell during Christmas in the Village: using wool appliqué to make pin cushions/ornaments, rug hooking for ornaments/coasters, hand-sewn pockets, and paper cutting for ornaments and greeting cards.
Materials will be provided. The reason we are focusing on one activity per evening is so some instruction can be provided. Proceeds will be used to further support our organization, for materials and equipment. Textile workdays are set as follows: 6:30 to 8:30pm on Wednesdays in September and early October. Watch for classes to be offered again starting in January.
September 13 — wool appliqué
September 20 — rug hooking
September 27 — hand-sewn pockets
October 4 — paper cutting
For anyone who has some experience weaving on a rag-rug loom, there will be an opportunity to use or gain more experience weaving placemats or runners during any of these fun’d-raising sessions. We hope to see you on a Wednesday!
The Blacksmith Museum is located at 324 E Main St in Manchester, and is open from 1 to 4 pm Sundays for demonstrations. During those hours, year round, you can also purchase historic craft items to support the Museum and its programs. The Blacksmith Museum operates under the umbrella of the Manchester Area Historical Society,
Wool appliqué pin cushions/ornaments, Sept. 13.
Rug-hooking ornaments, Sept. 20.
Paper cutting, Oct. 4.
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