Please support the 2023 CROP Hunger Walk in Manchester!

Water to refresh the walkers. Photo courtesy of Lon Nordeen
submitted by Lon Nordeen and Cathy Moore, CROP Hunger Walk volunteers
Your neighbors and friends ask for your support for an important local cause by contributing and/or walking 1–3 miles around the community on October 1, from 1 to 3 pm for the annual CROP Hunger Walk. This event will start at the Manchester United Methodist Church, 501 Ann Arbor St.
Your support through your church, school, or direct donations helps causes right here in Manchester, across the nation, and around the world! We all need to do what we can to support those in need of food, right here in Manchester, in Michigan, around America, and the world.
CROP Hunger Walks are community-wide events sponsored by Church World Service and organized by local congregations and groups to raise funds to reduce hunger at home and around the world. A Manchester CROP Hunger Walk has been held every year since 1995 — a total of 28 years — and local contributors have raised more than $145,000 for this important charity. Thank you!
To support this important cause, call Catherine Moore at (734) 649-7431. You can also support a Manchester walker or team or register online as an individual or team by going to the following website:
Last year there were 39 walkers here in Manchester, and we raised $5,457.25. A significant portion of the funds raised by the local CROP Hunger Walk program stays here to support local programs. Since the start of the program in Manchester, the local contribution has been divided among charities that provide important local activities, including the Community Resource Center, Manchester Family Services, and Manchester Area Senior Citizens Council.
In addition, funds from previous community-sponsored Church World Service CROP Hunger Walk events went to help the people hurt in the recent hurricanes.
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