Manchester Township Board Meeting: camera up at recycling bins, culvert to be replaced on Sheridan Rd, and more!

Manchester Township Hall
submitted by Sybil Kolon
All board members were present at the September 12 board meeting except Lisa Moutinho. Also present were fire chief Bill Scully, Alissa Starling, and a few other members of the public.
The agenda was amended to add discussion about the township’s planning consultant. Supervisor Ron Milkey and Trustee Mike Fusilier explained concerns about the current planning consultant. Alissa Starling is a certified planner who has assisted the planning commission recently and is interested in becoming the township’s planning consultant. The board agreed to consider hiring an additional planner who would support the planning commission on a regular basis. Starling will submit a proposal before the next board meeting. The board could still rely on the current planning consultant as needed for bigger projects.
Fire Chief Scully provided the monthly report for August. There were 73 calls for service, including 29 EMS responses, three fires, and 23 HAZMAT incidents. There were significantly more calls than normal due to recent storms. The new fire truck has been delivered. There are additional components to be installed before it can be brought into service, including transferring equipment from the current truck. The current truck will be sold.
Supervisor Ron Milkey reviewed the zoning report for August. Permits were issued for four barns/garages and one residential solar installation. A second zoning violation notice was issued for blight on Sandborn Road as there had been little progress since last month. Milkey indicated the blight on Lakeview Drive has continued to improve and the situation will be monitored regularly. During public comment a local resident indicated there continue to be safety concerns at the Lakeview Drive residence.
Trustee Mike Fusilier provided a summary of the planning commission meeting last week. The planning commission approved the site plan submitted by Teijin Automotive Technologies for the modification of their parking area on West Austin Road. The Land Preservation Committee had its first meeting.
Supervisor Ron Milkey reported that he will attend a meeting about gravel road maintenance. The work on Kirk Road is in progress, using a limestone base, which is expected to hold up much longer than gravel. The township plans to continue using limestone for upgrades to other roads.
Milkey reported that a meeting is planned with other township supervisors to consider possible amendments to the fire contract if the village votes in November to become a city. The fire department contracts with the surrounding townships to provide fire protection. Currently the village is part of Manchester Township. A city would need to have a separate contract with the Manchester Township Fire Department, as is the case with the other townships.
Security cameras have been installed to monitor the recycling bins and the front door. The amount of trash and materials that are not recyclable has decreased significantly. The cameras can be monitored remotely at all times.
The board voted to approve the contract with the Washtenaw County Road Commission for replacement of a culvert on Sheridan Road. The cost for Manchester Township will be $15,000. Bridgewater Township will pay its share of the costs, as Sheridan Road is the north-south dividing line between the townships.
The board approved a contract for $4,000 with the Western-Washtenaw Area Value Express (WAVE), which is a non-profit that provides public transportation within Western Washtenaw County and as part of the Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority (AAATA). The service is available to all Manchester Township residents. Service hours will be eight hours per day on weekdays, with door-to-door service by appointment. This service had been covered by other sources until recently. The township board has become aware that this service is used by many residents. It allows those without regular transportation to access the transportation services provided by AAATA.
The township board and planning commission will hold a work session at 7pm on September 28 at the township hall to discuss township identity.
The board approved a contract for $46,760 to upgrade the parking lot across from the township hall with an asphalt surface.
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