WCCD is collecting milkweed seeds and needs your help!
from Washtenaw County Conservation District
Washtenaw County Conservation District is collecting milkweed seeds through November 20 and need your help.
Common milkweed is the priority native species to support the monarch butterfly. Unfortunately, their population is declining toward extinction. Loss of habitat in the summer breeding grounds is a factor that could be contributing to the decline in monarch numbers. We are losing 6,000 acres of potential monarch/pollinator habitat a day in the United States due to development (2.2 million acres per year).
There is no doubt that our landscapes are becoming more fragmented and that there is less and less habitat for monarchs, pollinators, and the wildlife that share the same habitat. This trend will surely continue … unless we step up and do something about it.
Before you harvest common milkweed pods, make sure that they are brown or gray in color and that the center seam pops with gentle pressure. Green pods indicate the seeds inside are not mature yet. Once your pods are ready, leave intact and place your pods in a paper bag or envelope. Please do not put in a plastic bag.
Mark your paper bag or envelope with the zip code of the site the milkweed seed was collected. Bring them to our office (WCCD Office, 705 N Zeeb Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103) and drop them in the blue bin (shown in the image below) outside our front lobby door.
Our milkweed seed collection will support local efforts in their seed collection and cleaning program. If you would like to volunteer and learn to clean seed, please stay tuned for upcoming opportunities. Thank you to all our amazing community members who participate in the Milkweed Seed Collection with Washtenaw County Conservation District!
Questions? Please contact our Outreach Coordinator, Dru Mark-Wilson, by calling (734) 302-8715 or emailing dru@washtenawcd.org

Bagged seeds can be deposited in the blue bin outside the WCCD front lobby door. The offices are located at 705 N Zeeb Rd, Ann Arbor.
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