Manchester Area Senior Citizens Council making progress!
submitted by Pat Vailliencourt
Thanks to the support of the four Townships, the Village, generous donations, and grants, the Manchester Area Senior Citizens Council (MASCC) has made great progress in 2023.
They have entered into an agreement with Chelsea WAVE that has allowed them to get our Manchester bus back on the road. The MASCC will operate the bus to provide transportation to/from meals and activities. They are responsible for their own gas, paying the bus driver, and scheduled maintenance. WAVE will operate our bus to provide free door-to-door local transportation and rides to Chelsea. A small fee will be charged for rides outside this area. WAVE will pay for their gas, their driver, and the insurance.
WAVE is working with the County to provide rides within the County at no charge. If there is a small fee for the rides outside our area, older adults, people with disabilities, and children riding with adults always ride at half-fares and caregivers always ride at no charge.
An agreement has been reached with Washtenaw County Office of Community and Economic Development and the Area Agency on Aging 1-B to provide meals for the lunch program beginning November 2. This agreement will stabilize our local meal program. They MUST HAVE individuals join them for lunch in the Emanuel basement on Tuesdays and Thursdays for this program to be successful.
In April, the seniors opened the first ever Manchester Area Senior Center. Over the last six months the membership has increased from under 100 to almost 300. Manchester finally has a home for programs such as Scam and Fraud Prevention, free shingles shots, birthday parties, game days, and, of course, Monday night euchre. The Center has been self-sustaining thanks to the generosity of individuals and grants.
As most are aware, the Caife Aspire Building (old Ackerson School) is now for sale. The current lease has been extended until March 31, 2024, and the current owners assure them it will be honored by a buyer. The fear is that our seniors will once again become “homeless” at some point.
To ensure they can continue to provide transportation, meals, and social activities, they must have a stable/permanent environment. The Village of Manchester has committed to making an area available, charging no rent. Unfortunately, it requires significant renovation and furnishings. The Village has applied for a Michigan Community Center and Neighborhood Initiative Grant to not only renovate and furnish the area but to also hire a Senior Center Director for two years to assist the small group of dedicated volunteers in managing and expanding the current programs. Awardee Notification is October 23, 2023. We have our fingers crossed!
Call Charlene at (517) 262-7828 for a ride to lunch on Tuesday and Thursday. Call (734) 474-9494 to schedule a ride with WAVE.
President Charlene Provey wants to thank everyone for their support. “Without it, we would never be able to provide our services to our area seniors,” she said.
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