Haunted Hallways, a spooky event at MHS!

Photo from an early SRSLY Manchester Haunted Hallway event called “Haunted High School.” Courtesy of Lindsay Hannah.
by Sara Swanson
Another annual event is returning! SRSLY Manchester has secured just enough help that Haunted Hallways is going ahead! Come experience some spooky, scary family-friendly fun at the Manchester Jr./Sr. High School on Friday, October 27, from 6 to 9pm. Admission is $5, or free for those under age 3. In addition to the haunted hallway, there will be light refreshments, a sensory hallway, and other Halloween activities.
Organizers still need volunteers to help with set-up, decorating, working the admission table, helping with cookie decorating, and acting in the haunted hallway! If you are interested in volunteering, sign up at tinyurl.com/hauntedhallways2023. Questions? Email srslymanchester@gmail.com. Volunteers will be fed!
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