Help prune invasive species in Sharon Short Hills Preserve

Sharon Short Hills Preserve. Photo credit: Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation
by Sara Swanson
Are you a fan of pruning or helping birds, bees, and butterflies, or both? Join a team “bulldozing” invasive shrubs to help the “B”s—the “B”irds, “B”ees, and “B”utterflies, that is! You’ll use loppers and saws to clear the way for “B” habitat and get ideas for how to turn your own backyard into a “B” haven.
Come to the Sharon Short Hills Preserve at 6700 Hashley Rd on November 9 from 1 to 4pm for nature, fresh air, and exercise in a friendly community setting—or just to demolish something for a good cause. This event will be led by Matthew Bertrand, landscape designer and volunteer coordinator. Snacks, tools, and gloves provided. Bring your own water bottle. To register so they know to expect you, visit and click on “Register & Reserve,” then click on “Volunteer Opportunities” and scroll down to “Bulldozing for the Bs.” For questions and cancellations, please contact Bertrand at
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