Local weight-loss challenge leads to donation to kids’ weekend backpack program
submitted by Ruth VanBogelen
In late June 2023, members of the TOPS chapter in Manchester started a challenge to lose some pounds by September 10. The rule of the challenge was that all weekly dues collected during the challenge would be donated to a local nonprofit. To increase the donation and encourage weight loss, the weekly dues doubled to $2 a week for members who gained weight that week. A total of 59.6 pounds were lost and $300 was collected.
The TOPS chapter decided to donate the $300 to the Community Resource Center’s “Weekend Kids Meals” program. Carol Wotring, director of the Community Resource Center, was very pleased with the donation.
“Weekend Kids Meal provides meal kits to students in the Manchester Schools who are experiencing food insecurity when away from school,” she said. “With this donation, we will be able to provide 49 weekend meal kits. Thank you, Manchester TOPS members!”
The Manchester CRC is currently providing 70 weekend meal kits per month.
TOPS is a nonprofit organization that is 75 years old and has thousands of chapters across the USA and Canada. The mission is to support members to get to and stay at a healthy weight (visit tops.org). The Manchester chapter of TOPS started on September 17, 2017, and continues strong with more than 30 members. Meetings are on Tuesdays at 8:30am and 6:30pm in the Village Room at 912 City Rd.
Members can attend either meeting. Weigh-in begins 15 minutes before the meeting starts. Each meeting has a 15-30–minute presentation about nutrition, food choices, exercise options, mindfulness, stress reduction, or getting a good night’s sleep. Potential new members are welcome to attend a meeting to determine if they are interested. Registration with TOPS Club, Inc. costs $49 the first year (for a full year) and $37 for future years. The Manchester chapter asks members to pay $1 dues per week, which members can earn back in the form of gift cards to local businesses by attending meetings, losing weight, and achieving goals they set.
For more information about TOPS, email mmlb48158@gmail.com or just come to a meeting!
We thank 5 Healthy Towns Foundation for start-up funds for Manchester chapter of TOPS! The local TOPS chapter is now a self-sustaining wellness program in Manchester.
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