Time to Adopt-a-Family for Christmas
submitted by Diane Du Russel
As the fall season is now upon us, Christmas cannot be too far away.
Manchester Family Service (MFS) is getting ready for their annual Adopt-a-Family Program. This program matches clients with anonymous donors who volunteer to purchase gifts for a family this holiday season.
Seniors and children under high school age of families who meet the federal poverty guidelines are given a form to fill out in which they can specify their needs and wishes. All information is coded so as to be anonymous then matched up with a volunteer donor. Forms must be returned by November 3, a Friday.
If you or someone you know is interested in using this program and needs a form or wants to donate and/or is willing to adopt a family, please call MFS at (734) 428-7183.
MFS was founded in 1965 by a group of business women to provide emergency assistance to those in the Manchester area. Some of the past and present members might be familiar to you, such as Claire Reck, Webb Seeger, and Mary Sue Moore. There is a 9-member volunteer board that meets three to four times a year. MFS is a 501(c)(3) organization.
One of the many activities the MFS does in addition to the Adopt-a-Family Program is a monthly distribution of donated and purchased food given out on the third Wednesday of the month from 1 to 3pm at the Manchester United Methodist Church.
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer time or donate, please call MFS (734) 428-7183. Thank you to all the kind-hearted citizens.
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