Volunteer workday at Sharon Hills Preserve

A previous volunteer workday at Sharon Hills Preserve. Photo credit: Legacy Land Conservancy E-News.
from Legacy Land Conservancy
On November 4 from 10am to noon, Legacy Land Conservancy will be leading a workday at Sharon Hills Preserve. Join us to help clear brush and remove the invasive species autumn olive. Volunteers (using loppers and handsaws) will cut back shrubs to two-inch stumps and help haul cut plant material. Stumps will be treated with herbicide by Legacy staff to ensure these hardy invasive plants don’t re-sprout in the spring.
Please dress for the weather and in clothes you don’t mind getting dirty. Pants and closed-toe shoes are a must, regardless of the temperature, to protect from poison ivy and getting scratched up while working outside. Legacy will provide tools and work gloves, but you are welcome to bring your own if you have a pair you like. Don’t forget a water bottle and sunscreen. And we suggest you bring bug spray to reduce the risk of exposure to ticks. Meet at the parking lot on Sharon Hollow Road (between Walker and Washburn roads).
Please RSVP by filling out this Google form. Questions? Call (734) 302-5263 or email stewardship@legacylandconservancy.org
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