Lions Club International Peace Poster Competition: Update

Madeline Zahner’s “Dare to Dream” poster went on to place 2nd at the State Level
by Colleen A. Schoenfeld
We reported in November that the Lions Club of Manchester awarded local Manchester student Madeline Zahner first place in the Lions Club International Peace Poster Contest and that Madeline would go on to compete at Lions district level and then if selected, on to state competition.
Manchester’s very own Madeline did move on to win the district level Lions Club International Peace Poster competition and represented Manchester at the state level. Madeline received second place in the state competition and has made her family and community very proud of her accomplishment!
The contest is held annually, and the Manchester Lions Club encourages all youth who are eligible next year to enter a submission.
Thank you again to Ms. Lehrer of Manchester Community Schools and all the children who submitted to the contest!
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