Spice up your life this season with Smiling Jim’s

James Bliss is one half of the partnership of “Smiling Jim’s” seasonings, now featured at Manchester Market.
by Marsha Chartrand
James and Deborah Bliss met by chance many years ago in their respective roles with Hilton Hotels — Jim was an executive chef and Deborah was overseeing the opening of a new Hilton in Lake Charles, Louisiana. As their relationship grew, Jim eventually left the restaurant business, but, of course, as a lover of good food, he embarked on a new culinary journey. He started growing his own food — from seed, with organic methods.
That led him to learn more about seasonings — how to layer them, how to enhance flavor rather than covering it up.
“He’s been doing this since the ’70s,” says Deborah. “But we didn’t end up starting our business until 2019 … just in time for the pandemic.”
As a two-person company, they use organically grown peppers and add certified organic spices to create naturally low-sodium seasoning blends. Their seasonings have no artificial ingredients, no chemicals, no fillers, no GMOs, and no MSG.
“We didn’t intend to create low-sodium seasonings,” Deborah explains. “But when spices are used correctly, little salt is needed. We realized our seasonings were naturally low in sodium and fit the FDA low-sodium requirements per serving.”
The spices are hand-blended, hand-packaged, and made in small batches. They are used in Manchester Market’s sausages, steak seasoning for Grand River Breweries, seasoning for Coney sauce, and the breakfast sausage seasoning for Doll n’ Burgers.
Interestingly, their seasonings, though typically blended for meats, are highly popular with vegetarians and vegan customers, as they complement tofu, tempeh, and “the pork seasonings make the best cabbage soup,” Deborah claims. “Our seasonings are not limited to the title of the seasoning. They are great universal seasonings that make vegetables, soups, and salads more delicious.”
Despite choosing what might have been an inauspicious time to start their business, Jim and Deborah didn’t waste time building it. Their seasonings can be found on the meat market case at the Manchester Market, along with gift sets of the seasonings for sale at the Manchester Market, too. Other local outlets include Agricole Farm Stop in Chelsea, Argus Farm Stop in Ann Arbor, Vestergaard Farms in Saline, Kapnick Orchard in Britton, and Jerry’s Market in Tecumseh. They are also available at Chelsea Farmer’s Market July through October and soon will be sold at all Grand River Brewery locations.
Smiling Jim’s Seasonings are medium in heat. He does not believe in hot for the sake of hot but as a flavor enhancer to bring out the best of the food’s flavor.
For those who wish for a hotter spice level, his Hot Pepper Blend (sold separately) adds flavorful heat. For more info, please go to www.smilingjims.com (recipes coming soon).
Here’s a surprising fun fact: “Smiling Jim” was a real person and a best friend of James Bliss, until his passing 10 years ago. He’s honored as the cartoon character in the label’s logo. He was a Vietnam veteran, serving overseas while in the Air Force. Jim’s best friend was another man obsessed with the perfection of grilled meats. He and Jim dressed many times in their Carhartts to grill in 0° weather just to try out a new spice blend.
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