CRC expanding deliveries & helping prepare taxes in the new year

Just some of the shelf-safe food donated to the CRC through the Dance With Hearts Studios’s charity performance during Christmas in the Village. Photo courtesy of the Community Resource Center.
by Sara Swanson
The Manchester community came through this holiday season and the Manchester Community Resource Center (CRC) still has an abundance of shelf-safe food thanks to their generosity.
Carol Wotring, director, stated, “We had an absolutely amazing amount of shelf-stable food donated to us during the holidays — the elementary school alone donated more than 100 boxes of cereal! And many people have responded positively about the Weekend Kids Meal program by donating items that we can use in the meal kits.” She added that while they are okay on shelf-safe food right now, they are running quite low on paper products like Kleenex and paper towels.
Last summer, with the resource of a twice-monthly access to a van shared with Aid in Milan, the CRC ran a monthly pop-up food pantry in Freedom Township. They then expanded to include deliveries to housebound residents. If you are a resident of the City, Freedom Township, or Bridgewater Township and you have difficulty coming to the food pantry due to mobility or transportation issues, the CRC can make a delivery to you. Call the CRC at (734) 428-7722 for details.
Wotring also stated that in the near future they are planning to expand the grocery-delivery program to Sharon and Manchester townships as well!
Tax time is coming and the CRC will once again partner with United Way VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) “Scan and Go.” Individuals who made less than $64,000 in 2023 may be qualified to have their taxes done for free in February. Call the CRC for more information and/or to schedule an appointment at (734) 428-7722.
The CRC was formed in the late 1980s when a large manufacturer in Manchester closed down, leaving many families in need. Since that time, the CRC has been addressing community needs and working to improve the quality of life for those in the Manchester area. They mobilize people and resources, serve individuals and families by connecting them to resources that improve their lives, and serve as a pillar of support for those facing food and financial insecurity. Visit for more information.
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