Time to test your home for radon

Through the rest of January, you can purchase radon test kits for $5 each from the County.
by Sara Swanson
January is National Radon Action Month, meaning it is the perfect time to find out if there is radon in your home. This Thursday, January 25, from 9am to noon, radon tests will be available at Sharon Township Hall, located at 18010 Pleasant Lake Rd, for $5 each.
Radon is a tasteless, colorless, and odorless radioactive gas found in nearly all types of soil and rock. Radon can enter homes through cracks in the foundation, crawl spaces, hollow-block walls, floor/wall joints, and openings around floor drains and sump pumps. It can become trapped inside and build up to unsafe levels. Due to the geology in this area, it is common to see high levels of radon in Washtenaw County homes.
“Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer for nonsmokers in the United States,” says Kristen Schweighoefer, MPH, RS, environmental health director. “Every home in Washtenaw County should be tested for radon, and homes with elevated levels should be fixed. Winter is the best time to test because homes are closed tight, and people are spending more time indoors. This gives us the worst-case scenario and the best indication of risk.”
Over 40% of homes in Washtenaw County are estimated to be above the EPA’s 4.0 pCi/L radon action level. All homes in Washtenaw County should be tested for radon but of all the parts of the county, Manchester-area residences have the highest average radon levels. The only way to know your home’s radon level is to test.
If you can’t make it to Sharon Township Hall this Thursday, the next closest location for tests is Washtenaw County Environmental Health Division located in the Western Washtenaw County Service Center at 705 N Zeeb Rd, Ann Arbor, between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm, Monday through Friday (closed for lunch from noon to 1pm daily).
Radon test kits will be $5 at Sharon Township Hall and the Zeeb Road location through the end of January and then will continue to be available but at the regular price of $10 each. Price includes shipping to the lab and laboratory analysis.
“Radon exposure has no warning signs,” continues Schweighoefer. “Being exposed to radon doesn’t cause headaches, nausea, fatigue, or similar symptoms. Testing is the only way to know if you and your family are at risk from radon exposure.”
Homes should be tested for radon every two to five years since new cracks can form in the foundation and radon levels can change. In addition, if a home has a radon mitigation system, testing every two years is recommended to ensure the system is functioning properly.
Although no level of radon is considered safe, the EPA recommends taking action when levels are above 4.0 pCi/L inside a home. If a home is found to have elevated levels, the radon can be reduced by installing a mitigation system. Depending on the home and contractor, a typical radon mitigation system costs from $1,000 to $2,000.
For more information, visit washtenaw.org/radon.
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