Lots of opportunities for healthy choices at the Community Health Fair

Jazzercize booth at Community Health Fair. Photo courtesy of
Laura Wohlgemuth.
submitted by Joan Gaughan
Organized by Laura Wohlgemuth, the new Manchester District Library Event Coordinator, Manchester’s first Community Health Fair was held in the Village Room on Saturday, January 27. Advertised as a one-stop shop for anyone looking to improve his/her health in 2024, visitors to the Fair could become acquainted with services offered by local vendors, most of whom offered a prize in a raffle held at the close of the Fair.
The vendors included Jazzercise, whose prize was a one-month free membership, and Dance With Heart Studios, who offered a free dance class. Exhale Yoga awarded a free yoga class along with a $5 Millie’s Coffee Shop gift card, and the Adult Learners Institute provided a $20 gift certificate for a class. Ballet Chelsea’s gift was two tickets to its production of Cinderella; Do Terra Essential Oils awarded an essential-oil diffuser; and TOPS gave the winner of its raffle a one-year registration plus a shoulder activity bag with a food scale and a Real Life book. A hoodie and a water bottle went to the winner of SRSLY’s raffle, and Nichole from Hand and Heartwork not only awarded the gift of tea along with a teapot in which to brew it but also hosted a tea party after the Fair upstairs in the Library lounge.
Independent insurance agents from Martin Insurance Group were also at the Fair to discuss Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement (MediGap) policies and plans through the ACA. They offered a free home appraisal, but no one entered the raffle to win it.
The Fair provided an opportunity not only for the visitors who came to the Fair but also for the vendors themselves to discover ways to improve their health and well-being and also have fun while doing it.
2-13-2024 Correction: The original version of this article stated that representatives “from Medicare and ACA health insurance” were present. This was incorrect. They were in fact independent insurance agents who offer Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement (MediGap) policies to supplement or replace ‘Original’ Medicare as well as offering individual and business (group) health insurance policies through the ACA. The article has been changed to reflect this.

SRSLY Manchester booth at Community Health Fair. Photo courtesy of Laura Wohlgemuth.

Licensed, independent agents from Martin Insurance Group at Community Health Fair. Photo courtesy of Laura Wohlgemuth.

Hand and Heartwork booth at Community Health Fair. Photo courtesy of Laura Wohlgemuth.

Adult Learning Institute booth at Community Health Fair. Photo courtesy of Laura Wohlgemuth.

Ballet Chelsea booth at Community Health Fair. Photo courtesy of Laura Wohlgemuth.

T.O.P.S. booth at Community Health Fair. Photo courtesy of Laura Wohlgemuth.

Dance with Heart Studios booth at Community Health Fair. Photo courtesy of Laura Wohlgemuth.

Exhale Yoga booth at Community Health Fair. Photo courtesy of Laura Wohlgemuth.

Do Terra essential oils booth at Community Health Fair. Photo courtesy of Laura Wohlgemuth.
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