Skunk spray season has arrived in Michigan. And that stinks

It’s mating season for skunks which lasts through March. During this time of year, the striped animal is more likely to spray so pet owners should take extra precautions. Courtesy of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
by Janelle D. James (Bridge Michigan)
While Valentine’s Day has passed, male skunks will be looking for love for a few more weeks, and that could mean trouble for dogs or outdoor pets.
Experts say skunks are more likely to spray during mating season, which started this month and usually lasts through the end of March. After spending winter underground, they’re hungry and looking for food to replenish energy.
While skunks are more likely to run away than spray, they’ll do so if they feel like they’ve been snuck up on by a pet or a predator.
Dog owners should think twice before letting their pet outside on their own, even if continued cold weather makes that tempting, said Alexander Strauch, staff veterinarian for the Michigan Veterinary Medical Association.
“Having a non-retractable leash is preferred because of the pet owners’ ability to manage the distance to which their dog is away from them more easily,” Strauch said.
“Retractable leashes can allow your dog to get farther away from you than desired if your reaction time isn’t quick enough to stop the lengthening of the leash.”
Owners should check their surroundings before letting their furry friend out for a bathroom break, especially when it is dark, Strauch said. Instead, pets should be supervised at all times to ensure that they are not being too friendly with skunks, or the other way around.
Be wary of rabies, too: Overly friendly behavior by skunks could be a sign they have the viral disease.
That means it’s “also important that dogs are kept up to date on their core vaccinations, especially rabies seeing as there’s a possibility that a skunk and dog interaction could transfer rabies,” Strauch said.
What to do if your dog gets sprayed
If a dog happens to get sprayed, Strauch recommends that pet owners immediately wash their dog with lukewarm water — outside, if possible, to avoid home contamination.
“Special attention should be taken to care for the eyes,” he said. “Luke warm or tap water temperature water can be poured over the dog’s eyes if the dog’s head is held.”
You can buy special skunk spray shampoo, but you can also make your own skunk odor treatment by mixing hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dish detergent.

Recipe from University of Nebraska Lincoln Extension’s guide to removing skunk odor.
Why skunks spray
Skunks are usually hesitant to spray because of how draining it is on their bodies, but that all changes in breeding season, said Rachel Lincoln, a wildlife outreach coordinator for the Wildlife Division of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
If a pet runs into a skunk in the backyard during mating season, “it’s immediately going to spray,” she said. “And so that’s why we tend to smell skunks much more frequently this time of year.”
Before a skunk sprays, it will stand its ground by raising its tail. Then it will stomp on its forelegs in a handstand as if dancing to scare off predators.
“It is very expensive on the skunk’s nutrient and energy levels for it to spray because it takes a lot of resources to build up that kind of liquid in its body,” Lincoln said. “Then to eject it is really hard on the skunk’s body.”
How to keep skunks away
Areas under decks, porches, and sheds make good homes for skunks, which typically look for areas with food and protection from the elements. They may also shelter under brush piles and sticks so they can feed on insects.
Removing any piles of leaves or sticks from your yard could deter skunks from settling there. Homeowners should also consider putting a barricade around their porch or deck, such as lattice.
Removing bird feeders and pet food from outside, which can be food sources for skunks, will also help keep skunks away, along with predators like coyotes and foxes.
If a homeowner discovers a skunk den, they should call their local animal control agency to remove it.
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