The Streets of Jerusalem in Manchester
submitted by St. Mary Catholic Church
During the 40 days leading to Easter Sunday, Christians everywhere and Catholics in particular gather on Fridays to recall in prayer the journey Jesus walked, from the judgment of Pilate to His death and Resurrection. The people of St. Mary, Manchester, invite all their friends and neighbors to join them this coming Fri., March 8, at 7:30pm to journey in prayer with Jesus along His Way of the Cross.
What can you expect when you join this journey? You can expect to see the points along the way (the “Stations”) illustrated in beautiful paintings on the walls of St. Mary Church. At each Station you can expect to have your attention drawn to explore its meaning. And you can expect a powerful prayer — in words and music — to deepen your reflection on each Station as you walk in Jesus’ footsteps.
And you can hear and speak the words: “We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You, because, by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.”
This short prayer service is a whole-family occasion, especially fitting to meditate upon as we draw closer to the historic events leading to Jesus’ crucifixion and glorious Resurrection. Fr. Bosco and St. Mary parishioners warmly invite you to join them.
St. Mary’s is the lovely little fieldstone church located on the “Village Green” at 210 W Main St, just west of downtown, directly across from the Gazebo. For more information, please call the parish office at (734) 428-8811.

2nd Station

6th Station
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