County Farm Bureau celebrates ag week around Manchester

Display at the Manchester District Library
submitted by Kathleen Siler, Washtenaw County Farm Bureau
Washtenaw County Farm Bureau (WCFB) will join countless other organizations across the country to celebrate agriculture’s important role in daily life as part of National Ag Week, March 17–23, and Ag Day on Tuesday, March 19. The theme is: Agriculture: Growing a Climate for Tomorrow.
Linda’s Diner, located on M-52 in Manchester, will be celebrating by using agriculture-themed placemats provided by the Farm Bureau depicting state and local farming facts. The Washtenaw County Dairy and Livestock Banquet, held during March, will also use the placemats. In addition to using the placemats, several exciting local activities are designed to raise awareness about the many ways America’s farmers provide food, fiber, and fuel for our communities, our nation, and the world. An exhibit at local libraries in Chelsea, Manchester, Milan, Saline, and Ypsilanti will feature displays of agriculture facts. WCFB is also donating three ag-accurate books to those libraries. A bin of new baby clothing and nursery items will be donated to the IHA St. Joseph Mercy Academic OB/GYN Center. Related activities are also planned at several schools around the county during the month of March.
The local Ag Week activities coincide with March as reading month and Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s proclamation declaring March as Food and Agriculture Month in Michigan. During National Ag Week or any time of the year, you can celebrate agriculture by thanking a farmer for everything they do to provide food, fuel, and fiber for all of us 365 days a year!

Linda Minor and Lynda Horning

Display in the window of Marti’s Salon

Display at the Manchester District Library

Melissa Roth LMSW from the Academic OB/GYN Center, an office managed in partnership with IHA in the Trinity Health Reichert Medical Center
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