WCRC: Culvert replacements and unpaved road resurfacing this week

Pictured is a resurfacing project that was performed on Hack Rd in Bridgewater Twp last year. Photo credit: Washtenaw County Road Commission.
by Sara Swanson
The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) will be doing culvert replacements and unpaved road resurfacing in the Manchester area this week, and announced two future projects.
In Bridgewater Township, Eisman Rd between Austin Rd and Bemis Rd will be closed Monday, March 18, for a culvert replacement; and Neblo Rd between Hack Rd and US-12 will be closed Wednesday, March 20, for a culvert replacement. In Freedom Township, Weber Rd between Steinbach Rd and Parker Rd will be closed Thursday, March 21, and Friday, March 22, for a culvert replacement. In Manchester Township, Tracey Rd between Bowens Rd and Kirk Rd, will be closed Tuesday, March 19, for a culvert replacement; and Logan Rd between M-52 and the City of Manchester will have daytime road closures Wednesday, March 20, through Friday, March 22, for unpaved road resurfacing. In Sharon Township, Below Rd between Prospect Hill Rd and Jacob Rd will have daytime road closures Monday, March 18, and Tuesday, March 19, for unpaved road resurfacing. Logan Road and Below Road will reopen at the end of each workday and remain open until work resumes the following morning.
In addition, WCRC just announced plans to invest $4.6 million to improve approximately 25 lane miles of pavement throughout Washtenaw County during the 2024 construction season and two of the projects are in the Manchester area. Cadillac Asphalt was awarded the contract. Sharon Hollow Rd between Austin Rd and Sharon Valley Rd in Manchester and Sharon townships, and Schneider Rd between Austin Rd and Pleasant Lake Rd in Bridgewater and Freedom townships will both have lane restrictions for resurfacing. The Sharon Hollow Rd project is being funded through the 2021–2024 Four-year County-wide Roads and Non-Motorized Millage. The Schneider Road project is being funded through the same millage and with Michigan Transportation Funds. Construction will begin mid-April. Motorists will experience road closures with detours, lane restrictions, and flagging operations. WCRC will maintain access for residents who live or work within the project limits during construction.
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