Grow your own vegetables this summer!

The Manchester Community Garden installed brand new fencing last summer
submitted by Ruth VanBogelen, Manchester Community Garden
The taste of fresh-picked vegetables is amazing and Manchester is very fortunate to have a Community Garden that provides space and water for local residents who:
- do not get enough sun in their yard
- don’t have space to garden at their home
- have a problem with animals eating plants
- are gone for several weeks and unable to water the garden
- have soil that is just not right for growing
- struggle with too many weeds
The Community Garden offers the perfect space right in the city limits. The garden gets full sun, has been augmented with organic lamb compost for several years (plus additional compost is provided to gardeners), has a 6-foot fence for keeping deer out and a 2.5-foot wire fence to keep out rabbits, has an automatic watering system, and, finally, offers high-quality weed block at low cost to keep weeds at a minimum. We offer several garden sizes to rent so pick the right size for you:
- A 20’ by 20’ garden costs $50 for the year + $25 for weed block and pins (reusable for several years)
- A 10’ by 10’ plot costs $25 + $15 for weed block and pins
- A 4’ by 8’ raised-bed garden costs $30
- A 4’ by 4’ raised bed costs $15
The plot-rent funds are used for expenses to maintain the garden. The biggest expense is the water bill, but other expenses are soil preparation, hoses, and miscellaneous supplies.
Applications are available by emailing Ruth at, at the garden (look for the container under the sign), and at the Manchester District Library. The garden is located on the bus loop road between Klager school and the high school with access off Dutch Drive (look for the metal arch). This is the 12th year for the Community Garden. Thanks to 5 Healthy Towns Foundation for several grants for infrastructure, and to the Manchester Men’s Club, who take care of the gardens. Of course, thanks to Manchester Community Schools for letting us use some land for the garden!
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