High School Spring Music Night and Art Show an emotional evening

High School Spring Music Night and Art Show 2024. Left: Jared Throneberry directing the Manchester High School concert band and MHS music program alumni for one last time as they perform Instant Concert. Right: One of the MHS art program pieces on display.
by Sara Swanson
Last Tuesday, Manchester Jr./Sr. High School held a High School Spring Music Night and Art Show. The art was displayed in the commons and high school jazz, choir, and concert bands performed in the auditorium. In addition to it being the high school music program’s annual spring concert and senior recognition, it was also the last high school concert for music director Jared Throneberry, who is retiring at the end of the school year. In honor of that occasion, MHS music program alumni were invited back to perform one last song on stage at the end of the concert. Afterward, there were many surprise tributes to Throneberry, including gifts and speeches from students and alumni, the performance of a song current students and recent graduates rehearsed and performed, and a reception.
There is one more art show and concert this spring! The Middle School Spring Music Night and Art Show will be on Tuesday, May 21, with the 7th and 8th grade Art Show opening at 6pm and the 5th through 8th grade band concert starting at 7pm. The Manchester Jr./Sr. High School is located at 20500 Dutch Dr, Manchester.

High School jazz band

High School choir

High School concert band

High School concert band and music program alumni, conducted by senior Josi Castillo-Miller, performing a song for Jared Throneberry in honor of his retirement.
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