Free Gazebo Concerts return for 2024!

Henry Budd performed the first Gazebo Concert of the season on Thursday, June 20, 2024. Photo courtesy of Brenda Bancroft.
by Sara Swanson
A Manchester tradition, the free Thursday night Gazebo Concerts in Wurster Park, has returned for another summer! Although it was very hot and thunderstorms were moving through the area last Thursday, they held off long enough for Henry Budd to successfully kick off this season’s line-up.
This Thursday, June 27, from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, a gazebo concert favorite, Gemini, will be performing a show especially geared toward children but entertaining enough to entrance adults as well. Gemini writes and plays acoustic music for children and families, celebrating the fun, warmth, and humor of family life. Their recordings and concerts are filled with rousing sing-alongs, folk tales, and music from around the world. Bring a blanket or chairs. Rain location is Emanuel Church, 324 W Main St, (kitty corner to the park). This concert is presented by Friends of the Manchester District Library.
There will be no concert on Thursday, July 4, but concerts will resume, Thursday, July 11, with Jean Wilson and Friends. Jean Wilson and Friends is a sextet of talented career musicians playing jazz standards!
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